Naco Help

The Notifications

There are two types of notifications: Text or Image. There are a number of ways to create these, which are explained below. But once you've created the notifications, they will appear until you cancel them, or once too many have been created (there is a customisable limit). With each notification you've created, you can do the following actions:


This allows you to (re)share the text or image with another app. You can share with any apps that accept text or images, such as instant messengers and editors.


Simply copy the text or image to the clipboard. In theory, this has largely been replaced by "Share", except that it is still extremely useful, so we feel it was important to support it.

The following features are also available to Pro users:


For text notifications. You can directly edit the text in the notification. This could be useful if you've been forced to share more than you need into the notification. For example, WhatsApp doesn't allow to copy or share just part of a message - so you could share the message with NACO, then edit the notification to cut out the bits you don't need.


For image notifications. Save the image onto your phone. This will let you choose the folder and filename, and it will download the image there.

The App

From here you can view the notifications recently created, create new ones, and change the app settings.

Creating Notifications

You can create new text notifications with the "+" button. This allows you to quickly create a custom text notification.

If there is text or an image on the clipboard, you can also paste this straight into a new notification with the paste button.

Recent Notifications

This is a list of your most recent notifications, showing the newest first.

As with the notifications, you can Share or Copy, or Save images. In addition, you can "Restore" to re-create the notification, or "Remove" the item from the recent list once you don't need it again.


This is the primary way to create notifications. You can share text or images with the app to create a notification. Simply choose Naco when sharing from any other app and it will create the notification for you - that's it!